
Powerdvd 2021
Powerdvd 2021

powerdvd 2021 powerdvd 2021 powerdvd 2021

The model consists of five steps, they are: (1) analize, (2) Design, (3) development, (4) implementation and (5) evaluation. Development’s procedur that used in this learning media’s development is Model’s ADDIE. To know responses of student about using of digital learning videos. To know the effectiveness of student achivement after using digital learning videos. This situation encourages various creativity carried out by lecturers so that students can learn actively a The purpose of this study is to produce digital learning videos based on the cyberlink power director program which are used as learning media in the era of Learning freedom in educational economics courses. Various activities in all areas of life have changed drastically. Learning freedom Program launched by the Minister of Education is supported by the current pandemic situation.

Powerdvd 2021